多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ



18Who Was Helen Keller? (Who Was...?)4BI3.0 8,60014/07/01
17Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (Junie B. Jones #1)4HW3.5 6,60014/06/26
16My Weird School #1: Miss Daisy Is Crazy!3CO3.0 6,40014/06/16
15A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5MY3.0 8,51714/06/15
14リトル・チャロ 3―NHKラジオストーリー・ブック A Broadway miracle (語学シリーズ NHKラジオストーリーブック)5NO3.0 18,00014/02/20
13Not Above the Law Level 3 Lower Intermediate (Cambridge English Readers)4NO3.7 15,19713/06/15
12The Lahti File Level 3 (Cambridge English Readers)4NO3.6 14,00013/04/24
11Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery3NO3.5 13,17613/04/19
10Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective4MY3.5 17,43413/02/19
9A Puzzle for Logan (Cambridge English Readers: Level 3)5MY3.6 14,47313/02/13
8PENGUIN READERS3: K'S FIRST CASE (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))5MY3.1 8,40011/06/23
7*RAIN MAN PGRN3 (Penguin Readers: Level 3)5HU3.2 7,80011/06/12
6リトル・チャロ 1 完全版 (語学シリーズ NHKラジオストーリーブック)5AN3.0 14,00011/02/04
5Sarah, Plain and Tall (Sarah, Plain and Tall Saga #1)5NO3.5 8,30010/10/20
4Magic Tree House #6: Afternoon on the Amazon (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5AD3.5 5,50010/07/13
3Magic Tree House #5: Night of the Ninjas (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5AD3.4 5,50010/05/23
2Magic Tree House #4: Pirates Past Noon (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))4AD3.5 5,50009/12/24
1Magic Tree House #3: Mummies in the Morning (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5AD3.4 5,30009/12/02

