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giraffer SACHIさんの月別多読記録

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giraffer SACHIさんの2015年10月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake4HW1.2 8662015/10/01
2Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read Book 2)4CO2.1 1,0362015/10/01
3What Is the World Made Of?: All About Solids, Liquids, and Gases (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)3SC1.7 1,0812015/10/02
4The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow4SC3.0 1,2802015/10/02
5Nate the Great Goes Undercover4AD1.4 1,6412015/10/02
6Changing Schools: Book 3 (Literacy Land)4HI2.8 1,1832015/10/02
7The Industrial Revolution0NO0.0 02015/10/03
8The King's Dinner: Book 2 (Literacy Land)5HI2.8 1,7942015/10/03
9Nate the Great and the Lost List4AD1.4 1,5852015/10/04
10The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)4MY2.7 6,3972015/10/05
11スマホでKindle読書三昧: 4倍効果で、頭がよくなるスマート読書術! 快適で楽しい読書シリーズ (電子書籍の窓ブックス)0NO0.0 02015/10/05
12漁港の肉子ちゃん0NO0.0 02015/10/07
13人類の歴史を変えた8つのできごとII――民主主義・報道機関・産業革命・原子爆弾編 (岩波ジュニア新書)0NO0.0 02015/10/08
14魔法の指輪 (ルイスと魔法使い協会)0NO0.0 02015/10/08
15Nate the Great and the Phony Clue4AD1.4 1,5332015/10/09
16Nate the Great and the Sticky Case4AD1.4 1,6312015/10/09
17The Titanic: Lost...and Found : Step 4 (Step Into Reading)4NF1.7 2,0942015/10/09
18ぼくの図書館カード0NO0.0 02015/10/09
19二都物語 (新潮文庫)4NO0.0 02015/10/12
20ABOLISH the Monarchy?: Book 5 (Literary land)3HI2.8 1,6792015/10/13
21The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane5SC3.0 2,6842015/10/15
22鏡のなかの幽霊 (ルイスと魔法使い協会)4NO0.0 02015/10/27
23Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit5FA5.5 57,1202015/10/27

