多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2018年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Who Is Barack Obama? (Who Was...?)4BI3.5 7,1602018/09/13
2Who Was Albert Einstein? (Who Was...?)4BI3.0 8,8732018/09/13
3Who Was Walt Disney? (Who Was?)4BI3.0 7,5182018/09/13
4Who Is Bill Gates? (Who Was?)3BI3.0 7,8822018/09/13
5Marvin Redpost #1: Kidnapped at Birth?4EA2.0 5,2092018/09/13
6Who Was Fidel Castro? (Who Was?)2BI3.0 8,0002018/09/14
7Who Was John F. Kennedy? (Who Was?)5BI3.0 9,1422018/09/14
8Who Is Derek Jeter? (Who Was?)2BI3.0 7,0002018/09/14
9Who Is Steven Spielberg? (Who Was?)5NO3.0 7,5782018/09/14
10Who Is J.K. Rowling? (Who Was?)5BI2.5 7,4052018/09/15
11Who Is the Dalai Lama? (Who Was?)5BI3.3 8,0002018/09/17
12Who Is George Lucas? (Who Was?)4BI3.0 7,1682018/09/17
13Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)4BI3.0 7,3082018/09/18
14Who Was Nelson Mandela? (Who Was?)4BI3.5 7,0002018/09/19
15Who Was Abraham Lincoln? (Who Was?)4BI0.0 8,1902018/09/19
16Who Was Laura Ingalls Wilder? (Who Was?)5BI3.0 6,7952018/09/19
17What Was the Wild West? (What Was?)4HI3.0 8,0002018/09/19
18Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? (Who Was?)4BI3.0 9,8212018/09/19
19Where Is the Grand Canyon? (Where Is?)3GE3.0 7,0002018/09/22
20Who Was George Washington? (Who Was?) (English Edition)4BI3.0 6,8752018/09/23
21Marvin Redpost #5: Class President5HU2.6 5,8762018/09/23

