多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2012年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1アウトサイダーズ (洋販ラダーシリーズ)3HU2.9 21,0302012/04/04
2The Great Shark Escape (Magic School Bus Chapter Book)4SC3.1 9,7452012/04/05
3Black Beauty (Oxford Bookworms Library 4)4AN4.0 15,4002012/04/09
4The Elephant Man: Level 1 (Oxford Bookworms Library)4BI1.9 5,8002012/04/10
5The President's Murderer: Level 1 (Bookworms Series)4CS2.0 5,3352012/04/10
6Robinson Crusoe: 700 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms ELT)4AD2.0 6,8302012/04/11
7Insect Invaders (Magic School Bus Chapter Book)4SC3.1 9,0002012/04/11
8Call of the Wild (Oxford Bookworms Library)4CL3.2 10,9652012/04/12
9The Secret Garden (Oxford Bookworms Library)4CL3.2 10,7152012/04/13
10White Death: Stage 1: 400 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms)4CS2.0 7,1002012/04/14
11Grace Darling (Oxford Bookworms Library 2)4NF2.8 6,7302012/04/16
12Tales Of Mystery And Imagination (Oxford Bookworms Library)00.0 02012/04/17
13Tales of Mystery And Imagination: Stage 3: 1,000 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms)3HR3.2 11,0002012/04/17
14The Monkey's Paw: Best-seller Pack (Oxford Bookworms ELT)4HR2.0 4,9002012/04/18
15The Death of Karen Silkwood (Oxford Bookworms Library)4NF2.6 5,5852012/04/19
16Little Women: Stage 4: 1,400 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms)4CL3.8 16,0002012/04/21
17Decision 決断4HU1.8 4,0002012/04/22
18Rain Man, Level 3, Penguin Readers (Penguin Readers: Level 3)4HU3.0 7,7332012/04/22
19Love or Money (Oxford Bookworms Library, Stage 1, Crime & Mystery)4MY2.0 6,0102012/04/23
20The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Oxford Bookworms Library Classics)4AD2.0 5,8452012/04/24
21Anne of Green Gables level 2 (Oxford Bookworms Library)4HU2.6 5,5002012/04/24
22Dracula: Stage 2: 700 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms)4HR2.8 7,8752012/04/25
23Ear-rings from Frankfurt (Oxford Bookworms Library)4CS2.8 6,5002012/04/25
24Death in the Freezer (Oxford Bookworms)5CS2.2 6,1152012/04/26
25The Canterville Ghost: Stage 2 (700 Headwords) (Oxford Bookworms)4HR2.5 6,1002012/04/27
26New Yorkers: Level 2 (Oxford Bookworms Library)4SS2.6 6,5002012/04/28
27Sherlock Holmes Short Stories (Oxford Bookworms Library 2)4MY2.6 7,0002012/04/29
28風の又三郎―Level 2(1300‐word) (ラダーシリーズ) (洋販ラダーシリーズ)4CL2.9 12,6802012/04/30

