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Alyce beeさんの月別多読記録

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Alyce beeさんの2016年08月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1The Bookman's Tale5MY7.3 119,0402016/08/04
2Oxford Bookworms Library: Stage 5: The Garden Party and Other Stories: 1800 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms ELT)4CL4.5 22,6652016/08/11
3One Crazy Summer4HU5.8 45,3612016/08/15
4Dolphins at Daybreak (Magic Tree House)3AD2.6 4,7612016/08/17
5Ghost Town at Sundown (Magic Tree House)4AD2.8 6,1472016/08/18
6A to Z Mysteries: The Talking T. Rex3MY3.5 9,9762016/08/25
7A to Z Mysteries: The White Wolf3MY3.2 8,9832016/08/25
8A to Z Mysteries: The Yellow Yacht3MY3.5 8,6202016/08/26
9Penguin Readers: Level 5 MIDDLEMARCH (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))4CL5.0 26,4432016/08/31

