多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2013年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1MACBETH PLPR4 (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))4CL4.0 11,8002013/03/01
2Fiona the Flute Fairy (Rainbow Magic)3FA2.5 4,2002013/03/01
3Sherlock Holmes: The Emerald Crown (Dominoes, Level One)4MY1.8 6,0642013/03/02
4Who Was John F. Kennedy?: Who Was...?4BI2.7 9,1422013/03/02
5Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))4EA3.5 6,2022013/03/03
6Cirque du Freak (The Saga of Darren Shan No.1)5HR5.2 48,7262013/03/05
7Deadlock: 1800 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms ELT)3CS4.5 19,0002013/03/07
8Ghost Stories: 1800 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms ELT)4HR4.5 21,0002013/03/11
9The Vampire's Assistant No.2 (The Saga of Darren Shan)4HR5.3 41,5932013/03/16
10Tunnels of Blood - The Saga of Darren Shan, Book 34HR5.2 38,6262013/03/19
11Mouse Soup (I Can Read Book 2)4EA1.3 1,3512013/03/21
12Pink Snow and Other Weird Weather (Penguin Young Readers, L3)4EA1.3 9292013/03/21
13The Oxford Bookworms Library Stage 5: 1800 Headwords: "Sense and Sensibility" (Oxford Bookworms)4CL4.5 24,3722013/03/22
14Spooky America: Four Real Ghost Stories (Step into Reading)3HR1.7 2,3002013/03/22
15David Copperfield: Level 5 (Bookworms Series)4CL4.5 21,0002013/03/23
16ふしぎの国のアリス [英語版ルビ訳付] 講談社ルビー・ブックス4CL4.0 26,0002013/03/24
17Jane Eyre: Level 6: 2,500 Word Vocabulary (Oxford Bookworms)4CL5.5 26,0002013/03/28
18The Mysterious Island (Secrets of Droon)0FA3.9 7,7462013/03/29
19A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))4MY3.3 8,5172013/03/30
20"Moby Dick": Level 2 (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))4CL2.4 9,3622013/03/31

