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Gray Catさんの月別多読記録

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Gray Catさんの2017年02月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Sarah, Plain and Tall (Sarah, Plain and Tall Saga #1)4HU3.0 8,2512017/02/02
2Skylark (Sarah, Plain and Tall Saga)4HU3.0 10,4752017/02/06
3Dog Heroes: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #46: Dogs in the Dead of Night (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker)4AN2.5 6,7462017/02/09
4Penguin Readers: Level 3 PIRATES CARIBBEAN: AT WROLD'S END (Penguin Readers, Level 3)4AD3.4 13,1442017/02/11
5Soccer on Sunday (Magic Tree House (R) Merlin Mission)4FA3.2 14,0292017/02/18
6Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Time Chronicles: Level 13: Stranger At The Gates4FA2.3 2,8712017/02/20
7Caleb's Story (Sarah, Plain and Tall Saga)4HU3.0 14,3332017/02/22
8Penguin Readers: Level 2 Stranger than Fiction Urban Myths (MP3 PACK) (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))3HU2.4 7,1252017/02/22
9More Perfect than the Moon (Sarah, Plain and Tall)4HU3.0 9,3012017/02/27

