多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2013年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Laughing Princess4NO0.7 4702013/10/02
2Christmas Adventure4NO0.7 4662013/10/02
3The Frog Prince3NO0.7 5642013/10/03
4The Tailor and the Crow: An Old Rhyme with New Drawings3NO0.7 1592013/10/04
5The Fox Jumps Over the Parson's Gate3NO0.7 2422013/10/04
6The Illustrated Alphabet of Birds3NO0.7 5722013/10/04
7Ride a Cock Horse3NO0.7 1202013/10/06
8A Picture Book, for Little Children3NO0.7 4822013/10/06
9Olympic Adventure3NO0.7 4622013/10/06
10Paris Adventure3NO0.7 4862013/10/06
11Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 7: Snapdragons: Rory's Lost His Voice3NO0.7 7282013/10/06
12Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 7: Snapdragons: Toad Swims for His Life3NO0.7 7322013/10/06
13Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 7: Fireflies: Things That Sting3NO0.5 7502013/10/06
14Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 7: Fireflies: Sport Then and Now2NO0.7 8542013/10/06
15Alien Invasion3NO0.7 3952013/10/07
16Poetry Paintbox: Minibeast Poems3NO0.7 4762013/10/07
17Project X Origins: Orange Book Band, Oxford Level 6: Invasion: Go Away, Molly!2NO0.7 3322013/10/07
18Project X Origins: Orange Book Band, Oxford Level 6: Invasion: When Animals Invade3NO0.7 3522013/10/07
19Red Planet3NO0.7 8952013/10/07
20Bully4NO0.8 8522013/10/10
21Big Breakfast3NO0.8 7932013/10/10
22Project x Origins: Turquoise Book Band, Oxford Level 7: Discovery: Tiger's Discovery3NO0.8 5522013/10/12
23Animal Magic3NO0.8 3502013/10/12
24Hop on Pop (Bright & Early Board Books(TM))4NO0.8 3892013/10/12
25Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 8: Fireflies: What's Inside Me?4NO0.8 7002013/10/12
26Project X Origins: Turquoise Book Band, Oxford Level 7: Hide and Seek: Hide and Cheat3NO0.8 5142013/10/13
27Oxfrod Reading Tree: Stage 8: True Stories: Alex Brychta: the Story of an Illustrator (Treetops True Stories)3NO0.8 7402013/10/13
28Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 8: True Stories: at the Top of the World: the Story of Tenzing Norgay (Treetops True Stories)3NO0.8 8102013/10/15
29Goodnight Moon Book and CD4NO0.8 1302013/10/15
30No Mirrors in My Nana's House: Musical CD and Book2NO0.8 3202013/10/15
31Frosty the Snowman3NO0.8 2412013/10/15
32Where's My Mom?4NO0.8 4402013/10/15
33But No Elephants4NO0.8 5702013/10/15
34Oliver (I Can Read Book 1)4NO0.8 7672013/10/16
35Project X Code: Forbidden Valley Dino Danger3NO0.8 7662013/10/16
36Mr. Gumpy's Outing3NO0.8 2632013/10/18
37Mr Gumpy's Motor Car: Book and CD3NO0.8 3722013/10/18
38Tess's Tree4NO0.8 5442013/10/18
39The Case of the Missing Banana (RubbishBooks.com)3NO0.9 1702013/10/18
40Wasao The Big Puppy4TR0.8 5482013/10/19
41Funny Alphabet2NO0.8 1992013/10/19
42The Motor Car Dumpy Book3NO0.8 5622013/10/19
43Pirtate's Treasure3NO0.9 1652013/10/19
44Away We Go2NO0.9 1,2312013/10/19
45Hide and Seek2EA0.9 1112013/10/19
46Rumpelstilskin (Troll's Best-Loved Classics)3NO0.9 9222013/10/19
47Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 8: Snapdragons: Big Liam, Little Liam4NO0.9 1,1622013/10/19
48Jess and the Bean Root3NO0.9 1,0552013/10/19
49Space Poems3NO0.9 7502013/10/19
50Project X Origins: Purple Book Band, Oxford Level 8: Habitat: Escape of the Giant Chicken3NO0.9 8542013/10/23
51Project X Origins: Purple Book Band, Oxford Level 8: Habitat: Attack of the Centipede3NO0.9 7692013/10/23
52Project X Code: Pyramid Peril into the Pyramid3NO0.9 9852013/10/26
53A Squash and a Squeeze3NO0.9 5562013/10/26
54Giraffes Can't Dance3NO0.9 4822013/10/26

