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タイトル: The Big Bang Theory シーズン7-04 ■The Raiders Minimization

読者: ぜんだま

ISBN: ()
語数: 2,500語
The Big Bang Theory シーズン7-04 ■The Raiders Minimization

Sheldon gets mad at Amy for ruining one of his favorite movies, Raj and Stuart try to make their online dating profiles more appealing, and Leonard tries to play the sympathy card with Penny.

play the sympathy card 〔人を操るために〕「同情心に訴える」という切り札を使う

I should have said you were about to have your world rocked on my couch.

It's one of my all-time favorites.

story problem

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* ビッグ・バン・セオリーは22分、語数は2500でカウントします。
