多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2013年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt5SF5.0 52,7242013/05/02
2The Groovy Greeks (Horrible Histories)4HI4.8 20,0002013/05/03
3The Rotten Romans (Horrible Histories)4HI4.5 20,0002013/05/06
4Schoolhouse Mystery (The Boxcar Children Mysteries)5AD3.0 18,3432013/05/07
5Caboose Mystery (Boxcar Children Mysteries)4AD3.2 17,4292013/05/08
6Houseboat Mystery (Boxcar Children Mysteries)4AD3.2 19,7712013/05/09
7Harriet Spies Again3FI5.0 40,4942013/05/14
8George and the Big Bang (George's Secret Key to the Universe)5SF5.5 51,0002013/05/17
9Who Was Louis Armstrong? (Who Was...?)3BI2.7 8,2432013/05/17
10Who Was George Washington? (Who Was...?)3BI3.0 6,8752013/05/18
11Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt? (Who Was...?)3BI2.5 8,2122013/05/18
12Who Was Mark Twain?: Who Was? (Who Was...?)3BI2.5 7,9002013/05/21
13Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.? (Who Was...?)4BI3.0 9,8022013/05/25
14Who Was Thomas Jefferson? (Who Was...?)3BI3.0 6,6912013/05/25
15Who Was John F. Kennedy?: Who Was...?3BI3.2 9,1422013/05/25
16Who Was Walt Disney? (Who Was...?)3BI3.2 7,5182013/05/25
17The Camp Out Mystery (Boxcar Children Mysteries)3AD3.2 14,8362013/05/28
18The Mystery of the Singing Ghost (Boxcar Children Mysteries)3AD3.0 14,8632013/05/29
19Without a Trace (Nancy Drew (All New) Girl Detective)4MY4.5 31,6092013/05/29
20Who Were the Beatles? (Who Was...?)3BI2.5 9,2582013/05/30
21The Mystery of the Stolen Sword (Boxcar Children Mysteries)4AD3.2 15,8192013/05/31
22Who Was Elvis Presley? (Who Was...?)3BI2.7 7,0002013/05/31

