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Monkey barsさんの月別多読記録

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Monkey barsさんの2018年09月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1The Cat and the Bird in the Hat (HELLO READER LEVEL 1)4NO0.6 3732018/09/04
2The Great Race (Hello Reader, Level 2)3NO0.6 2832018/09/04
3Hello, Cat, You Need a Hat (HELLO READER LEVEL 1)2NO0.6 2922018/09/04
4How Many Feet? How Many Tails?: A Book of Math Riddles (Hello math reader)3NO0.6 1602018/09/04
5Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: The Castle Garden2NO0.6 4292018/09/07
6Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: Mum's Birthday Surprise3NO0.6 3802018/09/07
7Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: Uncle Max and the Treasure4NO0.6 4272018/09/09
8Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: A Rare Pair of Bears: Level 6: Local Teacher's Materiallocal Teacher's Material Level 62NO0.6 4392018/09/09
9Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: Top Score2NO0.6 3622018/09/09
10Oxford Reading Tree: Level 6: Floppy's Phonics: Change Gear! Steer!2NO0.6 3652018/09/09
11Peanut (Step into Reading)4NO0.6 3022018/09/17
12Wake Up, Sun! (Step 2 : Step Into Reading Books)3NO0.6 3032018/09/22
13Barbie: Fashion Fairytale (Barbie) (Step into Reading)3NO0.6 2672018/09/22
14Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks A: a Fright in the Night3NO0.6 4802018/09/22
15Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks: Rotten Apples: Pack A2NO0.6 4652018/09/24
16Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks A: the Laughing Princess2NO0.6 4702018/09/26
17Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks A: Christmas Adventure2NO0.6 4662018/09/27

