多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2016年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Through the Magic Mirror0NO0.0 2442016/08/01
2Oxford Reading Tree: Levels 6-10: Robins: Pack 2: the Photograph0NO0.0 1,2112016/08/07
3Little Blue and Little Yellow0NO0.0 2742016/08/19
4Multiply This! (Rookie Read-About Math)0NO0.0 3392016/08/19
5Little Blue and Little Yellow0NO0.0 2742016/08/20
6Multiply This! (Rookie Read-About Math)0NO0.0 3392016/08/20
7Multiply This! (Rookie Read-About Math)0NO0.0 3392016/08/20
8Multiply This! (Rookie Read-About Math)0NO0.0 3392016/08/20
9Gorilla0NO0.0 4562016/08/20
10Blue Eye0NO0.0 1,2262016/08/22
11Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6 and 7: Storybooks: Robin Hood0NO0.0 6342016/08/22
12Bears' Picnic (Beginner Series)00.0 02016/08/22
13The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip0NO0.0 4722016/08/22
14The Bears' Holiday (Beginner Series)0NO0.0 6552016/08/22
15Frozen Read-Along Storybook and CD0NO0.0 1,3842016/08/23
16The Moon (Acorn: Space)0NO0.0 1762016/08/23
17The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip0NO0.0 4722016/08/23
18The Bears' Picnic (Beginner Books(R))0NO0.0 5652016/08/23
19The Bears' Picnic (Beginner Books(R))0NO0.0 5652016/08/23
20Owl Babies5NO0.0 3252016/08/24
21Little Blue and Little Yellow0NO0.0 2742016/08/24
22Little Blue and Little Yellow0NO0.0 2742016/08/24
23Oxford Reading Tree Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Decode and Develop: Level 7: Holiday in Japan00.0 02016/08/27
24Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 5: More Storybooks A: it's Not Fair!0NO0.0 3462016/08/27
25Oxford Reading Tree: Level 9: Stories: Green Island0NO0.0 1,4912016/08/28
26Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks (magic Key): The Shiny Key: Pack A0NO0.0 5102016/08/28
27Scarf (Ort More Stories)00.0 02016/08/28
28Big Breakfast0NO0.0 7932016/08/28
29Project X: Invasion: Go Away, Molly!0NO0.0 3342016/08/28
30Peppa Pig: Dentist Trip0NO0.0 2822016/08/29
31The Go-Kart Race (Oxford Reading Tree)0NO0.0 4752016/08/29
32The Go-Kart Race (Oxford Reading Tree)0NO0.0 4752016/08/29
33Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 6: More Storybooks (magic Key): The Shiny Key: Pack A0NO0.0 5102016/08/29
34Peppa Pig: Peppa Goes Swimming00.0 02016/08/30
35Peppa Pig: Tiny Creatures: Tiny Creatures00.0 02016/08/30
36Peppa Pig Book: Sports Day: Sports Day00.0 02016/08/30
37Peppa Pig: The Story of Prince George00.0 02016/08/30

