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giraffer SACHIさんの月別多読記録

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giraffer SACHIさんの2016年06月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Nate the Great and the Crunchy Christmas5MY2.0 2,2202016/06/01
2The Judge: An Untrue Tale (Sunburst Book)4NO0.0 02016/06/02
3--if You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution5HI3.5 6,3002016/06/03
4Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden5MY2.0 2,2342016/06/07
5日の名残り5NO0.0 02016/06/12
6The Enchanted Wood (The Magic Faraway Tree)5FA4.3 43,0002016/06/16
7トルストイ『戦争と平和』 2013年6月 (100分 de 名著)5NO0.0 02016/06/17
8認知症の私からあなたへ 20のメッセージ5NO0.0 02016/06/17
9ORT: Stage 1+: First Sentences: "Reds and Blues"5EA0.2 302016/06/29
10Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: First Phonics: Can You See Me?4EA0.2 392016/06/29
11Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: Patterned Stories: Push!4EA0.2 162016/06/29
12Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: More First Sentences B: Chip's Robot5EA0.2 652016/06/29
13ORT: Stage 1+: First Sentences: "Hide and Seek" (Oxford Reading Tree)4EA0.2 352016/06/29
14Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: First Sentences: Look At Me5EA0.1 332016/06/30
15Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: More First Sentences A: What Dogs Like4EA0.1 312016/06/30
16Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: Patterned Stories: the Pet Shop4EA0.2 322016/06/30
17Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: More First Sentences B: Hook a Duck5EA0.2 552016/06/30
18Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 1+: More First Sentences A: Go on, Mum4EA0.1 412016/06/30

