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giraffer SACHIさんの月別多読記録

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giraffer SACHIさんの2013年12月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1ABOLISH the Monarchy?: Book 5 (Literary land)3HI2.8 1,6792013/12/01
2Baby3HU4.4 17,4412013/12/02
3Five Have Plenty of Fun (Famous Five)5AD4.5 42,0002013/12/09
4A to Z Mysteries: The White Wolf (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))4MY3.3 8,9832013/12/11
5The Forests of Silence (Deltora Quest)5FA5.5 26,8032013/12/13
6Little House In The Big Woods CD (Little House-the Laura Years)5HU5.0 02013/12/14
7Little House in the Big Woods5HU5.0 32,9662013/12/14
8The Twits4HU3.5 8,1072013/12/15
9Meet Kit: An American Girl : 1934 (American Girls Collection)5HU3.5 10,8052013/12/18
10Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.7 10,1192013/12/18
11The Lake of Tears (Deltora Quest)5FA5.5 25,6722013/12/24
12Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Signature Edition5FA6.5 77,0002013/12/26
13My Dog the Dinosaur (Funny Families)5FA4.0 10,0002013/12/28
14Matilda5HU5.5 39,7852013/12/29
15Matilda CD5HU5.5 02013/12/29

