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Angele Flameさんの月別多読記録

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Angele Flameさんの2014年09月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Stink (Book #1): The Incredible Shrinking Kid0NO2.5 4,9732014/09/01
2The Secret of the Fairies (Thea Stilton Special Edition)0NO0.0 23,4852014/09/04
3Thea Stilton and the Cherry Blossom Adventure0NO0.0 12,5382014/09/10
4Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker (Book #2)0NO2.3 6,7352014/09/10
5The Snow Jewel (Rescue Princesses)0FA0.0 12,0982014/09/14
6On With the Show! (Pet Hotel)0AN0.0 6,0752014/09/15
7Spacemutts: The Hairball of Horror!0CO0.0 02014/09/21
8The BFG5FA4.8 36,6372014/09/26
9George's Marvelous Medicine0FA0.0 11,6102014/09/30

