多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2014年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Harry the Dirty Dog3EA1.3 4652014/04/03
2No Roses for Harry (Mini Treasure)3EA1.5 7482014/04/03
3Harry by the Sea3EA1.5 8402014/04/03
4LeapFrog LeapReader Junior Book: Disney's Jake and the Never Land Pirates (works with Tag Junior) by LeapFrog [Toys & Games]3EA0.0 02014/04/03
5Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey's Space Adventure3EA0.0 02014/04/03
6Look Before You Leap! (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)3EA0.0 02014/04/03
7Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo Choo Express3EA0.0 02014/04/03
8Donald's Christmas Gift3EA0.0 02014/04/03
9Minnie's Valentine3EA0.0 02014/04/03
10LeapFrog LeapReader Junior Book: Disney·Pixar Toy Story 3: To Imagination and Beyond (works with Tag Junior)3EA0.0 02014/04/10
11Biscuit (My First I Can Read)4EA0.5 1322014/04/15
12Biscuit Wins a Prize (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1622014/04/15
13Biscuit's New Trick (My First I Can Read)4EA0.4 1232014/04/15
14Happy Birthday, Biscuit!4EA0.4 1642014/04/15
15Biscuit's Picnic (My First I Can Read)4EA0.4 1492014/04/15
16Biscuit's Day at the Beach4EA0.4 1162014/04/15
17Time to Paint, Biscuit!4EA0.4 1612014/04/15
18Biscuit Meets the Neighbors4EA0.4 952014/04/15
19Biscuit Goes to the Park4EA0.4 1612014/04/15
20Biscuit and the Bunny4EA0.4 1172014/04/15
21Biscuit's Christmas4EA0.0 02014/04/17
22Biscuit's Show and Share Day4EA0.4 1792014/04/17
23Biscuit's Christmas Eve4EA0.0 02014/04/17
24Biscuit Wants to Play (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1172014/04/17
25Biscuit Gives a Gift4EA0.3 1262014/04/17
26Biscuit Visits the Big City (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 2802014/04/17
27Biscuit's Snowy Day4EA0.0 02014/04/17
28Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear (My First I Can Read)4EA0.5 1582014/04/17
29Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1092014/04/17

