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Monkey barsさんの月別多読記録

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Monkey barsさんの2018年03月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1When Grandad was at school Info Trail Beginner stage Non-fiction Book 4 (LITERACY LAND)3NO0.5 1282018/03/07
2Info Trail Beginner This house is too small Non-fiction (LITERACY LAND)3NO0.5 1242018/03/07
3Info Trail Beginner:How to write a family tree Non-fiction (LITERACY LAND)4NO0.5 2112018/03/07
4It's best to be five! Info Trail Beginner stage Non-fiction Book 2 (LITERACY LAND)3NO0.5 1222018/03/07
5Elmo Says Achoo! (Sesame Street) (Step into Reading)2NO0.4 1332018/03/11
6Piglet Feels Small (Step into Reading)3NO0.4 1622018/03/12
7My New Boy (Step into Reading)5NO0.4 2562018/03/13
8Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill: A Phonics Reader (Step into Reading)2NO0.4 1732018/03/15
9Info Trail Beginner:Knucklebones Non-fiction (LITERACY LAND)3NO0.5 1762018/03/15
10Were the old days the best? Info Trail Beginner stage Non-fiction Book 3 (LITERACY LAND)4NO0.5 1282018/03/15
11Emma's photo album Info Trail Beginner stage Non-Fiction Book 1 (LITERACY LAND)2NO0.5 432018/03/15

