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Monkey barsさんの月別多読記録

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Monkey barsさんの2017年08月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Story Street: Step 2 Ben is Lost Part1(Literacy Land)4NO0.2 592017/08/06
2Story Street: Step 2 Can Fatcat Help?(Literacy Land)3NO0.2 562017/08/06
3Story Street: Step 2 Ben is Lost Part2 (LILA)3NO0.2 672017/08/06
4Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3 Storybooks: Nobody Wanted to Play4NO0.3 792017/08/09
5Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: The Egg Hunt4NO0.3 802017/08/09
6Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3: Storybooks: by the Stream3NO0.3 712017/08/09
7Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Stories: On the Sand5NO0.3 742017/08/09
8Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3: Storybooks: a Cat in the Tree3NO0.3 792017/08/09
9Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3: Storybooks: the Rope Swing4NO0.3 772017/08/09
10Street Beginner Stage Step 2: Shopping Story (Pack of Six) (LITERACY LAND)4NO0.2 422017/08/09
11Story Street: Step 2 Jojo's Dream (Literacy Land)0NO0.2 402017/08/09

