多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2018年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories B: Wet Paint3EA0.4 1222018/06/05
2Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories A: The Wedding3EA0.4 1972018/06/05
3Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: First Sentences: Sniff3EA0.3 1242018/06/05
4Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories A: The Camcorder3EA0.4 1822018/06/05
5Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories B: Swap!3EA0.4 1092018/06/05
6Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories B: The Scarf3EA0.4 2202018/06/19
7Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories B: The Flying Elephant3EA0.4 1352018/06/19
8Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories A: The Weather Vane3EA0.4 1072018/06/19
9Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories A: Poor Old Mum3EA0.4 842018/06/19
10Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: More Stories A: Nobody Got Wet3EA0.4 972018/06/19
11Biscuit Visits the Big City (My First I Can Read)3EA0.3 1512018/06/21
12Biscuit Goes to School (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1092018/06/26
13Biscuit Wins a Prize (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1502018/06/26
14Biscuit Loves the Library (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1412018/06/26
15Biscuit Plays Ball (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1402018/06/26
16Biscuit in the Garden (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1592018/06/26
17Biscuit Meets the Class Pet (My First I Can Read)4EA0.5 1322018/06/27
18Biscuit (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1322018/06/27
19A Kiss for Little Bear (I Can Read Level 1)4EA0.6 2932018/06/27
20Ducks in Muck (Step into Reading)4EA0.5 472018/06/28
21Wish Fish (Tadpoles)4EA0.4 672018/06/28
22Whose Hat Is It? (My First I Can Read)4EA0.2 832018/06/28
23The Carrot Seed (Rise and Shine)4EA0.5 1012018/06/29
24Cookie's Week4EA0.5 862018/06/29
25Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!4EA0.3 1032018/06/29
26Mittens (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1662018/06/30
27Biscuit Goes Camping (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1492018/06/30
28Biscuit and the Baby (My First I Can Read)4EA0.3 1542018/06/30

