多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


<< 前の年を表示 2014年 次の年を表示 >>

| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1The Paladin Prophecy: Book 13FA4.5 126,2632014/01/12
2The Incredible Dash (Disney/Pixar The Incredibles) (Step into Reading)2NO1.1 8002014/01/12
3Listen Up!: Alexander Graham Bell's Talking Machine (Step into Reading)2NO1.1 7992014/01/12
4Diary of a Wimpy Kid #8 - Hard Luck4CO3.4 18,2712014/01/14
5Niagara Falls, Or Does It? #1 (Hank Zipzer)4HU3.4 21,3392014/01/14
6Shadow and Bone (Grisha Trilogy (Shadow and Bone))5FA5.5 81,2152014/01/17
7Varjak Paw3AN3.3 34,2492014/01/19
8The Host5FA5.6 203,4022014/01/25
9Clifford Makes the Team (Scholastic Readers)2AN1.1 1932014/01/28
10Amazing Armadillos (Step into Reading)4SC1.2 9432014/01/28
11The Great Houdini: World Famous Magician & Escape Artist (Step into Reading)4NO1.2 2,1002014/01/28
12Tales of Oliver Pig: Level 2 (Oliver and Amanda)4HU1.1 1,7062014/01/31
13Fox Be Nimble (Penguin Young Readers, L3)3HW2.2 7822014/01/31
14Divergent (Divergent Series)4FA4.5 105,1432014/01/31
15A Horse and a Hero (Disney Tangled) (Step into Reading)1FA0.1 02014/01/31

