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Michelle Kungさんの月別多読記録

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Michelle Kungさんの2016年08月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Macmillan Readers: Princess Diana (Beginner Level)0HI1.6 10,1152016/08/01
2Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: Storybooks: the Storm0EA0.4 1882016/08/01
3Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 5: Storybooks: Village in the Snow0EA0.5 3292016/08/03
4The Toys' Party. Roderick Hunt, Thelma Page (Ort Stories)0EA0.2 512016/08/03
5On the Sand. Roderick Hunt, Gill Howell3EA0.2 742016/08/04
6Lost in the Jungle5EA0.7 9692016/08/04
7Willow Pattern Plot5EA0.7 9322016/08/04
8"Jumanji": Level 2 (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))0AD2.0 7,8232016/08/09
9Memory Man (Footprint Reading Library)0HE2.2 1,1352016/08/10
10Columbus & New World (Footprint Reading Library)0AD2.0 1,0182016/08/11
11The Phantom of the Opera: Level 1 (Oxford Bookworms Library)0CL2.0 6,2302016/08/11
12Wizard of Oz level 1 (Oxford Bookworms Library)4AD1.9 5,4402016/08/14
13Lost City Machu Picchu (Footprint Reading Library)0NO2.0 1,0642016/08/20
14Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: More Storybooks: The Dragon Dance: Pack B0EA0.4 1922016/08/20
15Wind Power (Footprint Reading Library)0NO2.2 1,3812016/08/21
16Living with a Volcano (Footprint Reading Library)0NO3.0 1,2392016/08/25
17Adventure Capital the World (Footprint Reading Library)0AD3.0 1,0142016/08/26
18Arctic Whale Danger! (Footprint Reading Library)0AN2.0 1,0272016/08/27
19Birds in Paradise (Footprint Reading Library)0AN3.0 1,1962016/08/29
20The Oxford Bookworms Library: Stage 1: 400 Headwords: "Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings" (Bookworms)0MY2.0 5,7322016/08/29
21Pocahontas: Level 1 (Bookworms Series)0HI2.0 5,3202016/08/30

