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Michelle Kungさんの月別多読記録

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Michelle Kungさんの2016年07月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 3)4CO3.6 21,0842016/07/08
2Tell Me About It (So Little Time)2FI4.5 21,4662016/07/11
3The Egg Hunt. Roderick Hunt, Gill Howell (Ort Stories)4EA0.3 802016/07/23
4Nobody Wanted to Play. Roderick Hunt, Gill Howell4EA0.2 792016/07/23
5Magic Key (Ort Stories)3AD0.5 2732016/07/23
6Pirate Adventure3AD0.5 3302016/07/23
7Dragon Tree3AD0.5 2942016/07/23
8Curious George3AD1.3 9272016/07/23
9Beagle Patrol (Footprint Reading Library)3AN4.0 1,6292016/07/24
10Clifford's First Christmas (Clifford, the Big Red Dog)3AN0.6 3132016/07/24
11Poor Old Mum4EA0.4 842016/07/24
12Important Case4EA0.5 1872016/07/24
13Everyone Got Wet5EA0.4 2002016/07/24
14Gliding Across the Gobi (Footprint Reading Library)2AD3.5 1,7882016/07/24
15Zoo Dentists (Footprint Reading Library)00.0 02016/07/25
16Zoo Dentists (Footprint Reading Library)0AN3.5 1,6002016/07/25
17Nobody Got Wet (Ort More Stories)0EA0.4 972016/07/25
18The Rope Swing. Roderick Hunt, Gill Howell (Ort Stories)0NO0.3 772016/07/25

