多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


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Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Camping Adventure3EA0.5 3322013/04/23
2Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 6-7: Storybooks (Magic Key): The Broken Roof4EA0.7 9832013/04/23
3Australian Adventure3EA0.7 8892013/04/23
4Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 5: More Storybooks (magic Key): Vanishing Cream: Pack A5EA0.5 3132013/04/23
5Info Trail Beginner This House is Too Small (Literacy Land)2EA0.5 1242013/04/30
6Don't Bite the Bottom Off Your Ice-Cream Cone! (Literacy Land)3EA0.5 1322013/04/30
7Did a Hamster Go to Space? (Literacy Land)3HI0.4 1992013/04/30
8Does Cheese Come from Cows?: Info Trail Beginner Stage, Non-fiction Bk. 10 (Literacy Land)4OT0.5 2372013/04/30
9What Shall We Have for Tea Tonight? (Literacy Land)2EA0.5 892013/04/30
10Emma's Photo Album (Literacy Land)2OT0.5 432013/04/30
11Would You be a Bee?: Info Trail Beginner, Non-fiction (Literacy Land)2SC0.5 1712013/04/30
12Literacy Land: Info Trail: Emergent: Guided/Independent Reading: Geography Themes: are Mountains Like Children?3OT0.8 4892013/04/30
13Did Vikings Eat Chips?3SC0.8 5452013/04/30
14Info Trail Emergent Stage Who Goes on the Bonfire? (Literacy Land)2HI0.8 3932013/04/30

