多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


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Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Ninja Farts: Silent But Deadly - A Hilarious Book for Kids Ages 7-9 (The Disgusting Adventures of Milo Snotrocket 3) (English Edition)4EA2.0 9,0002018/04/04
2Ninja Farts: Fart Your Way To The Top...A Hilarious Book for Kids Age 6-10 (Ninja Fart Diaries Book 1) (English Edition)0EA2.0 10,0002018/04/04
3I Won't Quit0EA2.0 6002018/04/04
4Fart Wars: May the Farts Be With You - A Hilarious Book for Kids Age 7-9 (The Disgusting Adventures of Milo Snotrocket 5) (English Edition)0CO4.4 7,0002018/04/04
5My Father's Dragon0AD3.5 7,3852018/04/09
6Elmer and the Dragon (My Father's Dragon)4AD3.5 7,1672018/04/11
7The Dragons of Blueland (My Father's Dragon)4AN3.5 7,8092018/04/13

