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Michelle Kungさんの月別多読記録

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Michelle Kungさんの2019年09月の読書記録一覧

Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Daisy: Eat Your Peas (Daisy Picture Books)3EA0.8 5002019/09/08
2The Bear and the Piano0EA0.8 5912019/09/08
3Grandad's Island0NO0.8 6302019/09/08
4Interstellar Cinderella4EA1.0 5912019/09/08
5Froggy Goes to School4EA0.9 6112019/09/08
6Cinderella Penguin: Little Glass Flipper (Picture Puffins)4NO0.8 6112019/09/08
7Froggy Learns to Swim0EA0.9 5302019/09/08
8Olivia and the Rain Dance (Olivia, Ready-to-Read, Level One)0EA0.5 2872019/09/08
9Nate the Great0EA1.4 1,5852019/09/08
10Nate the Great Goes Undercover0EA1.2 1,6412019/09/08
11Rich Man, Poor Man (English Edition)0SS1.2 2,8712019/09/09
12Reading and training, Missing in Sydney, ESO. Material auxiliar3CS1.4 4,4622019/09/09
13The Mystery of Manor Hall (Oxford Bookworms Library)3AD1.0 1,3902019/09/09
14日本昔話1 桃太郎ほか Long-ago Stories of Japan (ラダーシリーズ Level 1)0AN1.5 6,2102019/09/09
15Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3: More Storybooks B: the Cold Day3NO3.0 712019/09/09
16Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1: First Words: Six in Bed0NO0.0 622019/09/09
17Oxford Reading Tree: Level 1: More First Words: Get Dad0NO0.0 622019/09/09
18Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2: Patterned Stories: A Sinking Feeling2NO0.0 572019/09/09
19Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 2: First Phonics: Put it Back0NO0.0 972019/09/09
20Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 4: Storybooks: House for Sale0NO0.0 2202019/09/09
21Oxford Reading Tree: Level 4: Stories: Come In!0EA0.4 1172019/09/09
22Oxford Reading Tree: Level 2A: Floppy's Phonics: The Red Coat0NO0.0 1282019/09/09
23Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 3: More Storybooks A: Strawberry Jam0NO0.0 712019/09/09
24Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 5: More Storybooks: the New Baby: Pack B0NO0.0 3602019/09/09
25Porky and Bess (Step into Reading)0NO1.6 1,6712019/09/09
26Read with Oxford: Stage 5: Winnie and Wilbur: Tidy Up, Winnie!0NO0.0 9002019/09/10
27Nate the Great, Where Are You?0NO1.6 2,2052019/09/11
28Froggy Goes to Bed (English Edition)0NO0.7 4952019/09/11
29Part-time Princess0NO1.1 6002019/09/11
30Froggy Goes to the Doctor0NO1.2 6672019/09/11
31Froggy Goes to Hawaii0NO0.0 6112019/09/11
32Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read Level 2)0NO2.0 1,0362019/09/11
33Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping (I Can Read Level 2)0NO0.0 1,3012019/09/11
34Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read Level 2)0NO2.0 1,5902019/09/11
35The Enormous Crocodile3NO2.0 2,8712019/09/11
36Dragons Get Colds Too0NO0.0 6002019/09/11
37*FORREST GUMP PGRN3 (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))4HU3.2 10,0002019/09/13
38Fantastic Mr. Fox0NO3.3 9,1452019/09/13
39American Pie Slice of Life Essays on America and Japan5HU4.0 11,0002019/09/29
40American Pie Slice of Life Essays on America and Japan00.0 02019/09/29

