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What Was Pearl Harbor? (What Was?)
著者: Demuth, Patricia Brennan(著) Who HQ(著) Mantha, John(イラスト)
販売元: Penguin Workshop
発売日: 2013年06月27日
種別: ペーパーバック
価格: ¥1,355
在庫: 在庫あり。
ページ数: 112ページ
Government: 17位
Military & Wars: 19位
1900s: 19位


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2017/05/21 By Miki (評価:4点 / ジャンル:HI / YL:2.8 / 語数:6,602)
Good book.
There's just one part that I'm concerned;
"Was Truman's decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan the right thing to do ?  The question has been debated since 1945. Yes, it ended the war."
 I saw the survey somewhere and it said  that most American people think it was the right thing to do. Like, 80% of them. But was it, really? Of course I understand that the war had to end. But weren't there any other ways? 250,000 innocent people were killed instantly. Really. It's twice the population of my city! Most victims were elderly people, mothers and children. Not soldiers.   But I'm not talking about the past.  I'm talking about now.  What I'm worried about is the issues done by the US in the Middle East. They've been intervening and trying to make the uproar end. They might think it is the right thing to do,  as they thought it was in the same way in World War II. But again lots of ordinary people were killed there, although New York denies it. Of course there's nothing I can do for this, but I just hope there's a word peace in the near future. Nuclear power should never ever be used, at any time. 
2015/02/18 By Yuami (評価:4点 / ジャンル:HI / YL:3.4 / 語数:6,602)
2014/10/31 By 美月 (評価:3点 / ジャンル:HI / YL:3.0 / 語数:6,602)
1941年12月7日 当時のルーズベルト大統領が
「a day which will live in infamy」と言った。
広島に住む者にとってはこの「pearl harbor」がなければ・・・
