多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ


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| 1月 | 2月 | 3月 | 4月 | 5月 | 6月 | 7月 | 8月 | 9月 | 10月 | 11月 | 12月 |


Noタイトル 分類YL語数読了日
1Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #6: Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up5HW3.5 12,6782015/04/01
2My Weirdest School #1: Mr. Cooper Is Super!5CO3.0 8,0742015/04/01
3Christmas Catastrophe (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 7,2912015/04/02
4A Christmas Tale (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 3,6542015/04/02
5Snoopy: Cowabunga!: A Peanuts Collection4MA3.0 9,8382015/04/03
6Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (Book 1)4CO3.0 19,7842015/04/04
7Alien Escape (Geronimo Stilton Spacemice)5AD3.5 8,6932015/04/05
8You're Mine, Captain! (Geronimo Stilton Spacemice)5AD3.5 8,8932015/04/06
9The Journey Through Time (Geronimo Stilton Special Edition)5AD3.5 26,2432015/04/09
10Rumble in the Jungle (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 8,6312015/04/10
11Get into Gear, Stilton! (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 8,8482015/04/11
12Back in Time: The Second Journey Through Time (Geronimo Stilton Special Edition)5AD4.0 19,4532015/04/12
13The Golden Statue Plot (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 7,7782015/04/14
14Flight of the Red Bandit (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 7,9222015/04/14
15The Stinky Cheese Vacation (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 7,4832015/04/15
16Welcome to Moldy Manor (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 8,7022015/04/18
17The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.6 6,5912015/04/19
18The Case of the Secret Valentine (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.6 6,2792015/04/19
19The Case of the Christmas Snowman (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.5 6,5542015/04/21
20The Hunt for the Curious Cheese (Geronimo Stilton Special Edition)5AD3.5 12,0152015/04/22
21The Super Chef Contest (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 7,9762015/04/24
22The Case of the Runaway Dog (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.3 6,0142015/04/24
23The Case of the Groaning Ghost (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.3 8,8862015/04/25
24Space Taxi: Water Planet Rescue5AD3.5 13,0322015/04/26
25Calendar Mysteries #1: January Joker (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5MY3.0 6,9042015/04/26
26Calendar Mysteries #2: February Friend (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5MY3.0 6,7762015/04/26
27Calendar Mysteries #3: March Mischief (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5MY2.5 6,7942015/04/26
28The Case of the Food Fight (Jigsaw Jones Mystery)5MY2.5 5,8822015/04/28
29Calendar Mysteries #4: April Adventure (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5MY3.2 6,9602015/04/29

