多読王国 | タドキストの為の無料読書(洋書多読)管理コミュニティ



40The Whale (Lighthouse Family)4HW3.5 4,06116/04/11
39The Storm (Lighthouse Family)4HW3.5 5,40816/04/08
38The Cats in the Doll Shop4HW3.8 23,57116/03/27
37The Golden Statue Plot (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 7,77815/12/19
36Geronimo Stilton #14: The Temple of the Ruby of Fire4AD3.5 8,05615/10/30
35Run for the Hills, Geronimo! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,80715/09/25
34Get into Gear, Stilton! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,84815/08/30
33I'm Too Fond of My Fur! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.7 9,24715/07/28
32A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))2MY3.0 8,51715/07/20
31Watch Your Whiskers, Stilton! (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 8,42215/07/19
30This Hotel Is Haunted! (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 8,15615/07/09
29Flight of the Red Bandit (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 7,92215/06/29
28Geronimo Stilton #6: Paws Off, Cheddarface!5AD3.5 9,95715/06/24
27Geronimo Stilton #15: The Mona Mousa Code5AD3.5 10,10415/06/21
26Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #2: Knights and Castles: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #2: The Knight at Dawn (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))4NF3.5 5,13215/06/12
25The Stinky Cheese Vacation (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 7,48315/06/11
24Mouse in Space! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,50015/06/10
23Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? (Who Was...?)4BI3.5 9,00315/06/05
22The Enormouse Pearl Heist (Geronimo Stilton)5AD3.5 8,44115/05/27
21Geronimo's Valentine (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,00015/04/30
20The Way of the Samurai (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,70615/04/29
19Save the White Whale! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 6,25615/04/20
18Fantastic Mr. Fox4AN3.0 9,14515/04/16
17Magic Tree House #22: Revolutionary War on Wednesday (A Stepping Stone Book(TM))5AD3.0 4,98915/04/15
16A Fabumouse School Adventure (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.0 8,79715/04/14
15Judy Moody Gets Famous!3HW3.5 9,24115/04/13
14The Mouse Island Marathon (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 8,32415/04/03
13Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent3AD3.5 6,38115/02/28
12Judy Moody (Book #1)4HW3.5 11,08315/02/25
11The Mysterious Cheese Thief (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,47715/02/21
10Valley of the Giant Skeletons (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 7,59015/02/18
9Down and Out Down Under (Geronimo Stilton)3AD3.5 7,81715/02/15
8The Christmas Toy Factory (Geronimo Stilton)4CO3.5 6,58815/02/05
7フランダースの犬 A Dog of Flanders (ラダーシリーズ Level 2)4CL3.6 12,47015/01/28
6ロミオとジュリエット Romeo and Juliet (ラダーシリーズ Level 2)4CL3.2 11,07015/01/13
5Wedding Crasher (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.5 8,54915/01/12
4Christmas Catastrophe (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.0 6,92315/01/07
3Grimms’ Fairy Tales グリム傑作童話集3CL3.0 9,98015/01/05
2Geronimo Stilton #15: The Mona Mousa Code5AD3.5 10,10414/11/02
1I'm Too Fond of My Fur! (Geronimo Stilton)4AD3.7 9,24714/09/21

