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Winnie the Witch 25th Anniversary Edition with audio CD
著者: Thomas, Valerie(著) Paul, Korky(イラスト)
販売元: Oxford University Press
発売日: 2012年07月12日
種別: ペーパーバック
価格: ¥2,453
在庫: 通常5~6日以内に発送します。
ページ数: 32ページ


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2017/01/05 By Miki (評価:4点 / ジャンル:NO / YL:0.8 / 語数:505)
Short and simple story. 
I felt sorry for Wilbur, whose fur color was turned into rainbow by being cast a spell by angry Winnie the witch. (She apologized to him and turn him back to his normal color at the end, so it was ok.) 
